「これは一人の人間にとっては小さな一歩だが、人類にとっては偉大な飛躍である (That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.)」。あのアポロ11号の月面着陸のBBCの放送を収録したCD。

1. Introduction: Apollo + 25
2. Launch from Cape Kennedy, Florida: 16 July 1969
3. Launch from Cape Kennedy, Florida: 16 July 1969: A Million People Have
4. Launch from Cape Kennedy, Florida: 16 July 1969: 30 Billion Dollars For
5. Launch from Cape Kennedy, Florida: 16 July 1969: This Is Apollo Saturn
6. Launch from Cape Kennedy, Florida: 16 July 1969: And All Eyes Looking U
7. Launch from Cape Kennedy, Florida: 16 July 1969: 3 Minutes 45 Seconds a
8. Launch from Cape Kennedy, Florida: 16 July 1969: 600 Million People Thi
9. Lunar Landing: 20 July 1969: We're Now in the Approach Phase. Everythin
10. On the Lunar Surface: Hatch Reported Coming Open
11. On the Lunar Surface: Armstrong About to Release TV Camera: That's One
12. On the Lunar Surface: About to Pick up the Contingency Sample of Moon R
13. On the Lunar Surface: Making Sure Not to Lock It on the Way Out. Aldrin
14. On the Lunar Surface: Neil Is Now Unveiling the Plaque...We Came in Pea
15. On the Lunar Surface: Armstrong and Aldrin Talk to President Richard Ni
16. On the Lunar Surface: Houston Communicates With Michael Collins Orbitin
17. On the Lunar Surface: Armstrong and Aldrin Talk from Surface
18. Lift off from the Moon: With 3 Minutes Dead Go to the Lift Off
19. Lift off from the Moon: Lift Off
20. Lift off from the Moon: One Minute to Orbit Insertion
21. Splashdown in the Pacific Ocean and Recovery by USS Hornet: 24 July 196
22. Splashdown in the Pacific Ocean and Recovery by USS Hornet: 24 July 196
23. Splashdown in the Pacific Ocean and Recovery by USS Hornet: 24 July 196
24. Splashdown in the Pacific Ocean and Recovery by USS Hornet: 24 July 196
25. Postscript: Final Thoughts
